Add New Fields to Salesforce Mapping Rules

When you add a new field in the Salesforce Integration Mapping, you will need to specify the name of the Salesforce Field and the corresponding WeGive Field. Additionally, you will choose whether to send the WeGive field as a literal value, only when creating a record in Salesforce, and determine the direction of the integration.

You can find the available API names in WeGive's API Docs

The difference between "WeGive Field is A Literal Value" and "Only Send This Field When Creating a Record in SF" lies in how each setting affects data mapping and record creation in Salesforce:

  1. WeGive Field is A Literal Value:

    • This means that the field in Salesforce is assigned a fixed, unchanging value (a literal) rather than pulling in dynamic data from WeGive. The field is assigned a fixed, unchanging value (a literal) that is specified during the mapping setup and does not change regardless of any data in WeGive.
    • Example: If a field called "Donation Source" in Salesforce is mapped with the literal value "WeGive," every new record created from WeGive data will have "WeGive" as the source, regardless of the actual source data in WeGive.
    • Literal Fields are useful for fields that should always contain the same value to maintain consistency or identify the record's origin.
  2. Only Send This Field When Creating a Record in SF:

    • This setting means the field is only sent to Salesforce when a new record is created, and not during any updates to existing records. The field value is populated based on data from WeGive only once—when the record is initially created in Salesforce. After that, it does not update or change if the record is updated in Salesforce.
    • Example: For organizations with different levels of membership, you might set a Membership Level field (like "Bronze," "Silver," "Gold") to only populate on record creation. This ensures that the initial membership level at the time of joining stays as-is, regardless of later interactions or membership upgrades.
    • It’s helpful for fields that represent one-time data (like initial campaigns or onboarding dates) that shouldn’t be changed or overwritten when updating a record.

In summary:

  • Literal Value: A fixed, unchanging value assigned to a field.
  • Only Send on Create: The field is populated only when creating a record, preserving its original value on future updates.

Direction of Data Sync: 

In the context of Salesforce (and similar data integrations), sending the direction as export, import, or both determines how data flows between WeGive and Salesforce:

  1. Export: Data is sent from WeGive to Salesforce.

    • When the direction is set to export, the information flows from WeGive to Salesforce, updating or creating records in Salesforce based on data originating in WeGive.
    • Example: Exporting donation data from WeGive to create donation records in Salesforce.
  2. Import: Data is sent from Salesforce to WeGive.

    • When set to import, data flows in the opposite direction—from Salesforce into WeGive. This might be used to pull in data that’s maintained or updated in Salesforce for visibility in WeGive.
    • Example: Importing donor contact details from Salesforce into WeGive so that the platform has up-to-date donor information.
  3. Both: Data can move in either direction between WeGive and Salesforce.

    • When set to both, data can be synced or updated either way, meaning changes in WeGive can update Salesforce, and changes in Salesforce can also update WeGive.
    • Example: If both systems allow editing donor information, selecting "both" enables WeGive to update Salesforce if a donor’s information changes on WeGive’s side, and vice versa.