Have any of your Company supporters accidentally created an account as an Individual record type or vice versa? Don't worry! You can fix this by creating a new Supporter Record and then reassigning the payment from the wrong record to the new one you create.
To do this, start by going to your Supporter Table and then click Create New.

From here, select the new Supporter Record type and add in the new record's associated name, email, and phone number.

After you create your new record, go to the old Supporter Record page with the payment that needs to be moved. In this example, we are moving Laura Jones' payment that was set up on an Individual record type to a Company record type for the Jones Foundation. From her record page, click the payment Amount.

Then click the Edit button to reassign the payment to your new record under the Donor search field.

Now you will see the payment associated with the correct record type and removed from the old record.