Under the Engagements tab on the side menu bar, click into Impact Card. From the top right corner, you can click into plus sign+ and begin creating your first Impact Card.

From here, you have the ability to create a Static or Dynamic Card. In this case, we will look at how to create a Static Card.
Before you add your Impact Card Title, Value, and optional URL, it is important to recognize that Static Cards can be used in a couple different ways.
You may want to use your Static Card as a way of informing your supporters of the work your organization has accomplished by broadcasting that your organization recently met a specific goal.
For example, let's say your organization just met a goal of raising enough money to prevent 1,000 cases of malaria and you want to let your supporters know of your great accomplishment!
In this case, your Impact Card Title would be the goal that has been accomplished (i.e. Total Malaria Cases Prevented by organization) and your Impact Card Value would be the quantifiable amount of impact you wish to attach to the card (i.e. 1000). You could then use the audience rule groups tag all of your supporters who gave to the Malaria Prevention designated fund.
You may also want to use your Static Card as a way of honoring supporters whose donations have met a specific criteria you wish to recognize.
For example, let's say your organization wants to honor all of its supporters who have donated more than $1,000 to your organization by labeling them as "Gold Members." In this case, the Impact Card Name would be "Member Level" and the Impact Card Value would be "Gold." You would then use the audience rule groups tag all of your supporters who gave over $1,000.
Another example might be that you want to tag all of your supporters who gave over $100 to your Marathon Campaign. In this case, you could label the Impact Card Name as "Campaign Contributor" and the Impact Card Value as "Marathon Supporter."
Once you have created your Static Impact Card, you simply need use the audience rule groups to tag the supporters of whose profile you want to post the Impact Card on.
They will then appear on your supporter's Donor Portal.