To integrate WeGive with your DonorPerfect CRM, click into your WeGive DonorPerfect Integration page. Make sure to add DonorPerfect under Add Integration.

Once you click into your DonorPerfect General Settings, you will need to input your API Key. You can retrieve your DonorPerfect API Key from your DonorPerfect Account Manager. Simply request your API Key from your Account Manager via email and they will send it to you shortly.
You also have the ability to specify your sync settings below.

Mapping Rules:
A New Donor in WeGive creates Donors in DonorPerfect.
Donations in WeGive sync with Gifts in DonorPerfect.
Recurring Plans in WeGive sync with Pledges in Donor Perfect.
Recurring Donations in WeGive sync with the respective Pledge in DonorPerfect.
A New Donor in WeGive creates Donors in DonorPerfect.
Donations in WeGive sync with Gifts in DonorPerfect.
Recurring Plans in WeGive sync with Pledges in Donor Perfect.
Recurring Donations in WeGive sync with the respective Pledge in DonorPerfect.
You can click over to Logs to see a full display of all the integrations that have happened.