You can enable a dunning flow system in WeGive to alert donors of failed transaction attempts on recurring plans.
To enable the dunning flow, go to the Organization tab under Settings in your dashboard.

Once you enable the dunning flow, you will need to create your failed transaction attempt messages under Engagement > Triggers. The triggered emails used in the dunning flow include: Recurring Installment Failed #1, Recurring Installment Failed #2, Recurring Installment Failed #3, and Recurring Installment Failed #4.
You will need to create your customized email for each trigger by clicking into the trigger,

editing and customizing the message, and then setting the email as live.

Here are some example email messages you can use to customize your dunning flow messages:
Recurring Installment Failed #1
Subject: Oh no! Your donation had an issue
Thanks so much for being a [[FREQUENCY]] partner of [[ORGNAME]]!
We recently attempted to charge your [[PAYMENT METHOD]] for your recurring donation but the charge was not successful.
If you need to update your payment details, you can do so here:
The Team
Recurring Installment Failed #2
Subject: Donation error, updated information needed
There was an error when we tried to bill your card [[OR BANK]]. This usually happens for one of these reasons:
A billing error caused by your bank
A change in your billing address
Insufficient credit on your account
Your card has expired or been canceled [OR YOUR ACCOUNT HAS BEEN CLOSED IF BANK]]
We so appreciate your generosity and partnership in this mission. If you’d like to update your card [[OR BANK]], you can do so here: [[ACTIVE RECURRING PLAN ‘CONFIRM PAYMENT METHOD FLOW LINK]]
If you'd like to make other arrangements, please let us know by replying to this email. We'd love to do whatever we can to help.
The Team
Recurring Installment Failed #3
Subject: Update on your donation
It looks like your recent donation of [[AMOUNT]] on [[DATE]] has still not gone through.
We so appreciate your generosity and partnership in this mission. If you’d like to update your card [[OR BANK]] or cancel your recurring gift, you can do so here:
If you’ve got a question, just reply to this email.
The Team
Recurring Installment Failed #4
Subject: Update on your donation
We've attempted to process your recurring donation without success. Rather than trying again, we’ve gone ahead and paused your recurring transaction.
We so appreciate your generosity and partnership in this mission. If you’d like to set up a new donation in the future, you can do so at The Team
If you’ve got a question, just reply to this email.
The Team
Understanding the Dunning Flow Sequence
***Note: If a transaction fails in WeGive, we will automatically try the payment in your second payment processor if you have one attached to your account. If you have two payment processors, the dunning sequence will apply to both processors.***
The initial trigger to enter the dunning flow is a failed transaction on a recurring plan. If at any point a supporter's transaction succeeds, they will immediately exit the dunning flow.
If the transaction fails on an active recurring plan and there is an associated email, then the dunning flow will:
Send Recurring Installment Failed #1 Email Trigger
Wait 2 days
If the second attempt of the transaction fails, then the dunning flow will:
Send Recurring Installment Failed #2 Email Trigger
Wait 2 days
If the third attempt of the transaction fails, then the dunning flow will:
Send Recurring Installment Failed #3 Email Trigger
Wait for due next billing
If the fourth attempt of the transaction fails, then the dunning flow will:
Send Recurring Installment Failed #4 Email Trigger
Action: Pause Recurring Plan
If at any point a donor comes in and interacts with or edits their recurring plan, they will be removed from the dunning flow.
If a donor updates the payment method on a failed recurring plan, the new payment method will be charged. There are multiple paths to updating a payment method that can cause a variance on when that charge occurs.
When a plan is updated directly and is 'in arrears,' the next billing data is set to today or tomorrow.
When an expired card is updated from the payment method manager, we update that payment method everywhere it's being used.
When a new payment method is added from the payment method manager, WeGive will ask the supporter if they would like to use that payment method on their recurring plans.
To filter for a view of all your recurring plans currently in the Dunning Flow, go to your Recurring Plans table and filter for "In Dunning."