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Tax Statements
Tax Statements

How do I send Year End Statements for my Supporters?

Madelyne W avatar
Written by Madelyne W
Updated over a week ago

Easily send year end statements, or download them for you to send on your own. Statements are automatically created for all your contacts that donated, with all the giving history from your CRM, beautifully styled into multipage PDFs that are live hosted on your site if you need to make changes.

To email each of your supporters their Tax Documents, you can send a Message using WeGive's contextualized variables for @lastYearsTaxDocument (a hyperlink to their year end statement) and @totalDonatedLastYear (displaying the total amount the donor gave in 2023). You can also add an audience rule group for Donated Last Year so you can send the statements to all of your donors who gave during your selected tax year.

You also can go to the Reports tab located under Settings and select the Report Year you wish to download to receive an export of all your supporter's transactions shortly in your email inbox. It may take a few minutes to arrive in your inbox. The report contains active links you can send to each of your supporters.

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