Form Submissions

The Form Submissions Table provides a comprehensive overview of all responses submitted through your forms. This tool allows you to view and export form data efficiently.

Key Features of the Form Submissions Table:

  1. Filter Submissions:
      • Use filters to sort responses based on specific criteria such as submission date, form name, or donor name.

  1. Export Data:

    • Export all form answers as a CSV file sent directly to your email inbox for easy access and further analysis.

  2. Archive Responses:

    • Organize your table by archiving older or irrelevant submissions. These can be restored from the Archived tab to keep them accessible for future reference.

  3. Tag Supporters:

    • Add Supporter Tags to submissions to tag supporters based on their Form submission and responses. 

5. View Individual Answers:

    • Click on the submission date to see a Supporter's response to the form.