Using our Google Tag Manager integration, you can collect various Google analytics from the data in your WeGive Dashboard.
How to set up your Google Tag Manager integration:
Create a Google Tag Manager Account
Create a Google Analytics Account
Create Google Analytics Configuration in Google Tag Manager
Add Google Tag Manager Container ID to WeGive Integrations in WeGive Dashboard, found under the Data tab
Create a Custom Events Variable
See support video and instructions below
Create all the triggers we want
See support video and instructions below
Create all the variables we want
See support video and instructions below
Create all the tags we want
See support video and instructions below
Suggested GTM Events to Add :
Donation Intent
Create Trigger
Name: Donation Intent
Type: Custom Event
Event name: givingDetails
Some Custom Events: (custom events contain) givingDetails
Create Variables:
Giving Amount
Name: Giving Amount
Type: Data Layer Variable
Data Layer Variable Name: value.amount
Giving Frequency.
Name: Frequency
Type: Data Layer Variable
Data Layer Variable Name: value.frequency
Create Tag
Tag Type: Google Analytics: GA4 Event
Configuration Tag: Google Analytics (Or whatever you named your Google Analytics configuration trigger)
Event name:
Event Parameters -
Parameter Name: Giving Amount | Parameter Name:
Parameter Name: Giving Frequency | Parameter Name:
Donation Complete
Create Trigger
Name: Donation Complete
Type: Custom Event
Event name: donationConfirmed
Some Custom Events: (custom events contain) donationConfirmed
Create Variable
Cover Fees
Name: Cover Fees
Type: Data Layer Variable
Data Layer Variable Name: value.coverFees
Create Tag
Tag Type: Google Analytics: GA4 Event
Configuration Tag: Google Analytics (Or whatever you named your Google Analytics configuration trigger)
Event name:
Event Parameters -
Parameter Name: Cover Fees | Parameter Name:
Optional Tags to Add:
Data: { amount, frequency }
Data: { email, phone }
Data: { email, phone }
Data: { email, phone }
Data: { email }
Data: { anonymous, coverFees }