Journeys are composed of entry rules, rules and actions. Rules determine who will receive the message, and actions determine what event will occur when someone matches the rule.
Entry Rules:
Entry rules are filters that a supporter must first match in order to be initiated into a journey.

These filters add the supporter to the first step of the journey based off of triggers (something someone does)

or audience groups (something someone becomes).

Create entry rule triggers such as "Donation Failed" to target donors with failed donations in your journey, or create entry rule audience groups such as "Total Donated is greater than $100,000" to target your bigger donors in your journey.
Rules filter the audience who will receive the targeted message. There are three types of rules: If / Else, Time Delay, and Wait for Trigger
1. If / Else
This rule will segregate your audience into supporters who meet the rule and supporters who do not meet the rule.
For example, let's say you want to send a specific email to your biggest donors (donors who have given more than $100k) and a specific email to your general donors (donors who have given less than $100k). You could create a rule titled "Big Donor" using the If / Else rule for donors who have a "total fundraised greater than $100k" to your organization.

This will now separate your donors into two groups: supporters whose total fundraised is greater than $100k and whose total fundraised is less than 1$00k. From here, you can now respond to each group with a unique set of rules or actions, such as creating two different emails for each of your supporter groups.

2. Time Delay
This rule will wait a specific amount of time before triggering your next step in the journey. You could delay the next step by a specific amount of weeks, days, hours, or minutes, or you could delay the step until a specific calendar date.

For example, let's say you want to send a quarterly update to your supporter. You could trigger an email or text to send on specific dates at each quarter of the calendar year.

3. Wait for Trigger
This rule waits for a supporter to take a specific action before moving to the next rule or action in the journey sequence.
For example, you can send an "Update card details" email to supporters who have failed donations. Select the trigger as "Donation Failure" and then create the next action in the Journey as "Send Email" with instructions for the donor to update their card details.

Actions trigger an event to occur. Actions enable you to send an email, text, or webhook to the targeted audience.

Send Email and Send Text enables you to send a message to supporters who have met the prior conditions and rule filters of your journey.

Webhooks create ways for WeGive to share information with other third party applications in real time by sending notifications to the third party app when a specific action occurs in WeGive.