Salesforce Integration

How do I integration WeGive with my Salesforce NPSP CRM?

Salesforce Integrations require a bit of configuration in Salesforce before you can input details into WeGive.

Salesforce has 3 Integration requirements before you can fully integrate into WeGive:

  1. If you are in your WeGive sandbox, create a Salesforce sandbox that is a duplicate of your Salesforce production environment.

  2. Designate or create an admin account in Salesforce with marketing permissions and note its credentials.

  3. Create a connected app in Salesforce with full access permissions, making sure to enable OAuth.

When you are testing your integration, use your Salesforce Sandbox environment. When you are ready to go live, use your Salesforce Production environment. Click here for more instructions on accessing your Salesforce Sandbox environment.

Integration Instructions:

Login to your organization's Salesforce account to complete the following instructions for integration.

  1. Click to Setup in the top right corner of your screen.

  2. Type App Manager in the navigation search bar.

  3. Fill out the corresponding fields under New Connected Apps:
    1. Connected App Name: WeGive
    2. API Name: WeGive

    3. Contact Email:

    4. Enable OAuth Settings: Check On

    5. Callback URL:

      1. When creating your Production Environment use:

      2. When creating your Sandbox Environment use:

    6. Selected OAuth Scopes: Highlight and move all selected OAuth scopes to the Available OAuth Scopes using the arrows.

    7. Require Secret for Web Server Flow: Check On

    8. Require Secret for Refresh Token Flow: Check On

  4. Once you have connected your WeGive app in Salesforce, you will be able to manage it from your Lightning Experience App Manager by clicking into the WeGive tab. Click View.

  5. Once you have clicked into WeGive, scroll to the API (Enable OAuth Settings) section and click on Consumer Key and Secret: Manage Consumer Details. Copy and paste the Consumer Key (Client ID) and Secret Key (Client Secret) into WeGive.

  6. Return back to the Lightning Experience App Manager by clicking into the WeGive tab. This time, click "Manage" instead of "View."

    1. Click Edit Policies.

    2. IP Relaxation

    3. Select Relax IP restrictions.

  7. From your Salesforce Home Screen, click on Security and then click on Remote Site Settings.

    1. Click New Remote Site

    2. Under Remote Site Edit, add this information:

      1. Remote Site Name: wegive_api

      2. Remote Site URL:

        1. If using Sandbox environment:

        2. If using Production environment

  8. Once you have your Consumer and Secret key, toggle back over to your WeGive Integration page found in the left side bar. Make sure you have Added the Salesforce Integration.

  9. If your Salesforce sandbox was created during or after Summer 2023, enable Username-Password Flow in OAuth and Open ID Connect Settings.

  10. Click into your Salesforce Integration General Settings:

    1. Copy and paste the Consumer and Secret key from Salesforce into the WeGive Client Id (Consumer Key) and Client Secret (Secret Key) fields.

    2. Enter your Salesforce Username and Password.

    3. Your Instance URL is:

    4. You have the ability to specify your sync settings.

  11. You can click over to Logs to see a full display of all the integrations that have happened.

  12. After you have completed the previous steps, you can click Test Connection. If the test succeeds, you can click Sync Salesforce to enable your integration.


Mapping Rules:

Here is a list of which WeGive fields populate in Salesforce and vice versa:

  1. A New Donor in WeGive creates a New Contact and New Account in Salesforce if that donor does not yet exist in Salesforce. If the Donor does exist in Salesforce, WeGive syncs the information of that Salesforce Donor with the corresponding WeGive Donor.
  2. Campaigns in WeGive sync with Campaigns in Salesforce.
  3. Donations in WeGive sync with Opportunities in Salesforce.
  4. Donations in WeGive that are attached to a Campaign or a Recurring Plan attach to the respective Salesforce Campaign or Recurring Donation.
  5. Recurring Plans in WeGive sync with Recurring Donations in Salesforce.
  6. Designations in WeGive sync with GAU (General Accounting Units) in Salesforce.

WeGive's Salesforce integration syncs on Payments and will not work unless payments are being used in Salesforce.

There is a one minute buffer period for changes in WeGive to sync to Salesforce and vice versa.

WeGive does multiple checks to ensure duplicates are not created in Salesforce, even if WeGive does not have an existing link defined between the WeGive and the Salesforce Donor. WeGive will only create a new donor after searching for that donor with multiple checks.

You can change the mapping of any WeGive field to any Salesforce field and vice versa or disable the mapping.



If you want to import Recurring Plans only associated with Accounts:

When importing recurring donations associated with an organization, map only the organization account (using npe03__Organization__c => source.salesforce_account_id) to the recurring donation in Salesforce. This links the donation to the account level without also associating individual contacts, keeping reporting streamlined for organization-focused giving.