Keeping your designated funds in sync between WeGive and Salesforce is an important part of maintaining accurate donor records and reporting. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up an integration that automatically syncs designated fund information between the two systems. By creating a lookup field in Salesforce and mapping it to WeGive transactions, you can ensure your designated fund data flows seamlessly between the platforms.
In Salesforce, create a lookup field on the Opportunity object for WeGive GAU ID. This will store the unique identifier for the designation.
Map this WeGive GAU ID field from the Salesforce Opportunity to the WeGive Opportunity Record as a one way sync from Salesforce to WeGive or as a two way sync. When a new payment comes into WeGive, it will populate this field on the corresponding Salesforce Opportunity.
For historical transactions, you can conduct a mass update in Salesforce to populate the WeGive GAU ID field on your Opportunity records. WeGive can then pull this data during the next sync.
Once the lookup field is populated, WeGive will automatically trigger a sync to pull in the designated fund information from Salesforce. WeGive will match the GAU ID and update the transaction details accordingly.
For future transactions, the sync will work automatically - WeGive will push the GAU ID to Salesforce (if two way sync is enabled), and Salesforce will provide the designation details back to WeGive.