Transactional vs. Marketing Messages - Respecting Opt-Outs

Users can now specify whether a message is transactional or marketing, ensuring that marketing messages respect opt-out preferences while transactional messages bypass them.

How to Use:

  1. Navigate to Messaging: Go to your WeGive dashboard and select “Messages.”
  2. Create a New Message: Click “New Message” and select the type (email, SMS, etc.).
  3. Choose the Message Type:
    • Select Transactional for essential messages (e.g., receipts, confirmation emails).
    • Select Marketing for promotional and fundraising messages.
  4. Review Opt-Out Settings:
    • Marketing messages will automatically respect supporter opt-outs.
    • Transactional messages will always be delivered regardless of opt-out status.
  5. Send the Message: Click “Send” or schedule it for later.