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Understanding Triggers

How do I set up triggers for my messages?

Madelyne W avatar
Written by Madelyne W
Updated over a week ago

WeGive has four default triggers that will initiate sending an automatic message. These four instances are when a donation succeeds, a donation fails, a recurring donation is created, and a tribute is made.

Your organization will automatically receive four different default messages associated with each of the triggers that can be customized to your liking.

While you can customize your default triggered messages, you can also create your own triggered messages and attach them to subgroups associated with specific group rules you set.

There are various subgroups that can be created based off of event rules, such as a supporter's association with a campaign, checkout, donation frequency, etc., or based off of audience rules such as a supporter's amount donated, email address, number of donations, most recent donations, etc.

For example, let's say I want to send a specific Thank You email to all my supporters who gave to my Marathon Campaign. To do so, I would create my Marathon Thank You message under Messages.

I would first select "Donation Success" as my Trigger from the Trigger dropdown since this message is intended to be a thank you message for a successful donation made from the Marathon Campaign.

After I create my Marathon specific message, I could add a New Rule Group under "Trigger a message when the following occurs," filter for "Campaign," and then select my "Marathon Campaign."

To take it a step further and only send my Marathon Thank You email to supporters who donated more than $100, I could create another filter under rules for "Only when the audience matches." I could set this filter as "Last Donation Amount is greater than 100."

Once I create and save my email, I can click "Set Live" to activate the email on my trigger system.

Then if I go to my Donation Success Triggers, I will see my Marathon email is set to send anyone who donates over $100 to the Marathon Campaign, while all other supporters will continue to receive the Donation Thank You email and text instead.

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